The Story of TenantHero 

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With two students set to finish their masters’ degrees in law by July of 2023, everything took a turn as the opportunity to create an impact driven startup presented itself. We became justice entrepreneurs, and in eight short weeks we developed the prototype of TenantHero.


We started with the core belief that we want to make law more accessible, and remove legal jargon, legal proceedings and tools from being a foreign concept for most people. We were ambitious, but we knew we wanted to undertake a project that was feasible considering our time and resources. This ended up being our greatest advantage in the initial stages, because people resonated with what we highlighted as the legal problem we sought to fix. Namely, that rights and obligations in the content of rental contracts were inaccessible to students, before signing and throughout the duration of the contract, due to barriers to understanding their contracts and troubles understanding the content of contracts. These barriers to understanding included language barriers with Dutch contracts, very complex language and the length and layout of contracts was confusing. Furthermore, there was a lack of knowledge on what to look out for and a lack of experience with contracts. This was reflected in our personal experience when moving to the netherlands, despite being law students, so we know we wanted to do something about it…


And that’s how TenantHero was born.

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